Carson Grove News Week of March 24

Carson Grove ES News Update - Week of March 24th
We hope that you had a safe, restful, and happy March Break week! The first week back at school was great! Some of our junior students travelled to Canterbury High School to participate in a Drama and Dance Festival and our grade 4 students went to watch. It was a great show! A big thank you to Ms. Berg and Ms. Gagnon for getting the performers and MCs organized!
It’s incredible to think that there’s only a little more than three months left of school before the summer holidays. While this past week was quite chilly and at times quite warm, students had a great time running and playing outside using the recess equipment that our school council purchased at the end of last year. Everyone is looking forward to some warmer weather in the coming weeks.
PA Day on Friday, March 28th (No School for Students)
There is a Professional Activities Day on Friday, March 28th. School will be closed for students.
Student Spirit Day: Thursday, March 27th - Dress like a Teacher Day
This Thursday is “Dress Like a Teacher Day” Spirit Day at Carson Grove. Students can wear something that they think a Carson Grove staff member might wear at school.
Elementary Program Review Update
It was great to see nearly 60 community members at our community meeting this past Tuesday. You can see the most recent updates and leave your feedback at