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Carson Grove March Break and March 17

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March Break and March 17

Carson Grove ES News Update - March Break Edition / Week of March 17th

Please remember to send your child with outdoor clothes to match the weather.  The weather has been changing almost every day.  We are expecting rain and wet conditions in March so rubber boots and rain pants may need to replace snow clothing and winter boots on some days.  Please remember to contact the office if you need any support with outdoor clothes.  We are always happy to help!

Ramadan Mubarak!  Please remember that students should still bring backpacks to school, even if they are fasting.  The backpacks are important to bring home papers and school work.

March Break - One Week School Holiday

The March Break school holiday is for one week.  All OCDSB schools will be closed to students from March 10th to 14th.

Green and Gold Spirit Day

On Monday, March 17th, we will be having a Green and Gold Spirit Day to mark St. Patrick’s Day.  Please think about wearing something green or gold on the first day of school after March Break.

Elementary Program Review Update (French Immersion Coming and Some Boundary Changes Potentially Happening in September 2026) & Tuesday, March 18th Carson Grove Information Session

We will be having an information and feedback meeting for Carson Grove families on Tuesday, March 18th from 11:00 am to 1 pm.  All are welcome.  We are  providing busing so more families can attend the meeting. For more information see our Program Review Tab on this website. 

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