Carson Grove ES News Week of Jan. 6
Carson Grove ES News Update - Week of Jan. 6th
We hope that you had a great winter break with your family! School starts again on Monday, January 6th.
SAVE THE DATE: Monday, January 20th, 6pm - New to Kindergarten 2025 Info Night
With the 2025-26 Kick-Off to Kindergarten Registration Week (for new kinders starting in September 2025) set to run at the middle of January, Carson Grove ES will be hosting an information session on Monday, January 20th at 6:00 pm. Please share this date and time with any neighbours, friends, or family in our school area.
IMPORTANT: Immunization Message from Ottawa Public Health
This year, Ottawa Public Health (OPH) will be doing a review of student immunization records as required by the Immunization of School Pupils Act. Starting in December 2024, notices will be sent to students born in 2007 and 2017, whose vaccination records are incomplete. Students who do not provide the missing information within the given timeframe are at risk of being suspended.
What can you do to make sure your child is up to date?
• Check your child's vaccine record: compare the records you have with the Publicly Funded Immunization Schedule to make sure it is up to date. Speak to your health care provider about any vaccines your child needs.
• Report your child’s vaccine(s) to Ottawa Public Health (OPH): It is possible that your child is up to date on their vaccines, but OPH was not notified. Your health care provider does not report your child's vaccinations to OPH, so even if your child is up to date, OPH might not have this information. Parents are required to report their child’s vaccinations to OPH.
• If your child needs a vaccine and does not have a primary care provider: OPH is working with the Kids Come First Health Team and other partners to make it easier to get children vaccinated. For children without access to a health care provider or an Ontario Health Card (OHIP), parents or guardians can book an appointment to have their child’s vaccine record reviewed or to receive a vaccine. Routine childhood vaccines are also offered on a drop-in basis at the Neighbourhood Health and Wellness Hubs.
If you have additional questions or wish to speak to a public health nurse about your child’s immunization record, you can call Ottawa Public Health, Monday to Friday from 9 am to noon and from 1 pm to 4 pm at 613-580-6744.
Please click here to view this message as a .pdf file.