Carson Grove ES News - Week of Dec. 9th
Carson Grove ES News Update - Week of Dec. 9th
December is moving along very quickly. We only have two weeks of school left before the Winter Break. The last day of school is Friday, December 20th and school will start again on Monday, January 6th.
We had our first full week of snowy and cold weather. Many students came to the office to borrow winter clothing. If your child is missing any winter clothing, we are here to support you. We can also help you to access winter clothing in the community. Please contact the office if you need any winter clothing for your family.
December Spirit Days - Coming December 16th to 20th!
From December 16th to 20th, Carson Grove will be having Winter Wonderland Spirit Week. Here are the themes:
Monday: SNOWFLAKE DAY (crafts at school)
Tuesday: BLUE & WHITE DAY (wear blue and white winter colours)
Wednesday: WINTER CRAFT DAY (crafts at school)
Thursday: SHINY and BRIGHT DAY (wear bright colours or anything shiny)
Friday: PYJAMAS/COZY CLOTHES DAY (wear pyjamas or comfortable clothes)
Click here to view the Winter Wonderland Spirit Week Calendar!
Carson Grove Holiday Concert - Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 1pm
We will be having a holiday concert on Tuesday, December 17th at 1pm. Families are welcome to attend. More information will be shared soon.