Carson Grove News November 25

Carson Grove News Nov. 25
Posted on 11/22/2024

Carson Grove ES News Update - Week of Nov. 25th

Wow!  It’s basically December already!  We have a special month ahead filled with many learning opportunities and fun, memorable experiences. 

The team at Carson Grove is also really looking forward to meeting you for parent-teacher interviews this coming Thursday and Friday!

OSTA Web App Launch - School Bus and Van Information for Families

OSTA is excited to announce the launch of a new web app designed to enhance communication and better serve our communities. This app will not replace your current email notifications for delays and cancellations that you are signed up for in our BusPlanner Web.

This user-friendly app will keep parents, guardians and students updated on their transportation status. It features real-time alerts for delays, updates, cancellations and inclement weather “snow days.”

The app is free to use, and no account is required. Simply scan the QR code (or click here) and save it to your phone’s home screen. Then, select the school, route and run to get started. Parents/guardians can find their child(ren’s) transportation information in OSTA’s Parent Portal.


  • Moving forward, the app will replace email for “snow day” cancellations. This is to mitigate delays in email delivery; push notifications will alert parents and students instantly. 

  • To receive push notifications for your child's bus, a run needs to be added. 

  • Our website and social media channels will continue to be a source for snow or related inclement weather cancellations. 

  • Parents who have signed up to receive emails for delays and cancellations will still be notified via email unless they choose to unsubscribe.

  • The app is tied to the device on which it is downloaded. This means if you use multiple devices, you will need to download the app on each one and re-enter the school, route and run information.

Parent-Teacher Interviews on November 28th and 29th - No School for Students on Friday, November 29th

By now, your child’s teacher has sent out a letter asking you for the best time to meet to talk about your child’s progress.  Interviews will take place after school on Thursday, November 28th and in the morning on Friday, November 29th.  Friday is a PA Day.  There is no school for students.

We will send you another letter on November 26th or 27th with the exact time of your interview.  Please be sure to only come to school at the time listed as each teacher has many interviews scheduled one after the other.

Interviews are very important ways to make connections between the school and home.  Please click hereto view a "Tips for Parents: Parent-Teacher Interview" letter in 14 languages.

SAVE THE DATE: Carson Grove Holiday Concert - Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 1pm

We will be having a holiday concert on Tuesday, December 17th at 1pm.  Families are welcome to attend.  More information will be shared soon.

Indigenous Student Sharing Circle at Carson Grove

We are looking to start an Indigenous student sharing circle at Carson Grove.  The circle will be led by Allison Papineau, Indigenous Student Support Coordinator for First Nations, Inuit and Metis students and families from K-12 in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.  Please see below to view a poster with more information about Allison along with a consent form to join the sharing circle.

It is our hope to get this started in the coming weeks.  Please reply with any questions.  We will do our best to answer you or connect you with Allison for more details.

Allison Papineau - Indigenous Student Support Coordinator Poster

ISSC Consent Form

Play Structure Closed Until the Spring

Playground equipment must be considered “off-limits” once the ground freezes, and will remain closed until at least March 31st, 2025.  Typically, OCDSB-owned structures would have signs posted by now to show that they are closed.  At Carson Grove, the student play structure actually belongs to the City of Ottawa so our Chief Custodian is not able to post any signs.  Using the structure after hours while the ground is frozen would be at the risk of community members who choose to do so.

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